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Your Teeth and What They Do


This is lesson one of four and consists of a course introduction for the students to tell them what they can expect to learn over the four lessons. Then we move on to talking about the mouth, what is inside of it, as well as what teeth are made of. We finish this lesson with a guided drawing to help students who are more visual learners.



Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth


This is lesson two of four and discusses what the students should be doing every day to take care of their teeth. This includes demonstrations on how to brush, floss and use mouthwash properly. We then discuss the repercussions of what can happen if students do not brush, floss and mouthwash daily. We discuss what cavities are and why it is important to visit the dentist on a regular basis.



Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body


This is lesson three of four which discusses the important topic of nutrition. W begin to help the students track what they eat everyday and how it effects their bodies and mouths. In this lesson we discuss what types of foods are good and bad for our bodies. We also debunk some food myths that students may have and finish by having the students design their own balanced nutritious meal with our help and instruction. This is accomplished with a plethora of activities that challenge the students visual and auditory skills.



Adult Teeth Don't Grow Back


This is lesson four of the four lessons and discusses the difference between adult teeth and baby teeth. We inform the students about one of the realities of being an adult is having adult teeth that once they fall out nothing comes in to take its place. We discuss how to prevent dental emergencies as an adult as well as teach the students about what to do encase a tooth does fall out and your an adult. We accomplish this by acting out live scenarios for the kids to help them in case of an emergency.

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